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Offre n° 42614  Retour à la liste ...  Offre n° 42117
Réf : YnsectPD180802

Scale-up and optimisation of extraction and purification processes of molecules of interest from ins

Offre de stage n° 42118 du 06/08/2018
Déposée par Corentin LE BERRE [Promotion 2013]
Département Chimie (Le réseau des diplômés DUT Chimie de Rennes)
Diplômes concernésDUT option Chimie Analytique et de Synthèse (CAS) / DUT option Productique Chimique / Licence Pro / DUT option Chimie Industrielle / DUT Option Chimie
Localisation - Evry
The offered internship involves activities related to optimization and scale-up of existing production processes and development of new processes.

The tasks within the internship will include:
- Extraction and synthesis of molecules of interest at laboratory and bench scale
- Sampling, preparation and analysis of samples
- Quality control follow-up
- Equipment maintenance
- Work in simulation software (e.g. Aspen Plus, ANSYS CFX)
- Survey of scientific literature

The skills and competencies required:
- Strong motivation, great rigor and precision
- Functional knowledge in the field of analytical chemistry, knowledge and understanding of general methods of characterization
- Knowledge in thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, energy / mass transfer
- Knowledge of processing unit design is a plus
- Knowledge of engineering economy is a plus
- Knowledge of English language is mandatory
Mr LE BERRE Corentin

Fichier attaché à l'offre
1 - stage42118.pdf (244.161Ko)
Mots clés associés à cette page : ecole, formation, enseignement, professionnel, professionnelle, stage, entreprise, diplome, emploi, avis, temoignage, interview, continue, alternance, apprentissage, licence, master, maitrise, iut, dut, lp, institut, universitaire, technologie, bts, prepa, bac, bac 2, technicien, chimie, matériaux, productique, chimique, physique,