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Offre n° 35911  Retour à la liste ...  Offre n° 35813
Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry University (Géo-environnement)
Réf : SICE/35875

several PhDs in hydrology, geomorphology, pollution, ecology

Offre d'emploi n° 35875 du 19/05/2015
Déposée par Olivier Bourgeois
Département Sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers (Le réseau des diplômés de la formation Biologie/Géologie de l'Université de Nantes)
Diplômes concernésM1 SVT/BGE / M2 MEF / Prepa-Capes / M1 Géologie-Géophysique / Maîtrise STU / M1 Biologie-Ecologie / M2 Planétologie/Géodynamique / M2 Cartographie / Environnement / M2 Biologie Marine
ContratContrat à durée déterminée
The new Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR), based at Coventry University, UK, is seeking highly motivated and talented students to take up fully-funded PhD studentships on a diverse range of exciting and innovative topics. Several hydrology and geomorphology related positions are available:

Climate impact on floods in UK and northern Europe

Fine sediment pollution dynamics in heavily urbanised river channels

GPU modelling of climate change impacts on global erosion rates

Hydraulic and water quality performance of UK highway filter drains for highway runoff management

Past and future of West African hydroclimatic variability

Predicting the sediment-sensitivity of macroinvertebrate communities

Setting the sediment standard: Suspended sediment regimes for freshwater fish

Stream power modelling of bank erosion rates and processes

SUDS amenity

Testing the response of aquatic macroinvertebrates to fine sediment pollution

Water quantity and quality improvements in permeable pavement systems

The closing date for these positions is June 12th, 2015. Please note that some of the positions may require international field work. For more details on each project, please follow the link provided above. A smaller number of studentships will be offered in the autumn.

CAWR is driving innovative, transdisciplinary research on the understanding and development of resilient food and water systems internationally. Through its focus on food and water, the Centre’s research develops and integrates new knowledge in social, agroecological, hydrological and environmental processes, as well as the pivotal role that communities play in developing resilience. These studentships offer the opportunity to work in conjunction within the Centre’s research clusters with world class scholars around projects that have real social impact.

CAWR is also offering several PhD studentships for research topics in agroecology and resilience. For details on these additional projects please visit (look for section on Agroecology, Water and Resilience).

Many thanks,



Marco Van De Wiel, PhD

Reader in Fluvial Processes

Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience

Coventry University

United Kingdom
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