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Offre n° 36578  Retour à la liste ...  Offre n° 36191
Department of Geography, Loughborough University (Géo-environnement)
Réf : SICE/36192

PhD in Physical Geography

Offre d'emploi n° 36192 du 16/07/2015
Déposée par Olivier Bourgeois
Département Sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers (Le réseau des diplômés de la formation Biologie/Géologie de l'Université de Nantes)
Diplômes concernésLicence (parcours Géologie/Géophysique) / Licence (parcours SVT/BG) / Licence (parcours Biologie-Ecologie) / M1 SVT/BGE / M2 MEF / Prepa-Capes / M1 Géologie-Géophysique / Maîtrise STU / M1 Biologie-Ecologie / M2 Planétologie/Géodynamique / M2 Cartographie / Environnement / M2 Biologie Marine / Licence Pro - Géologie/Aménagement

Applications are invited from excellent candidates for EPSRC / School funded studentships in Physical Geography at the Department of Geography, Loughborough University, UK:

- The geomorphic and hydraulic impacts of complex weir removals: Field and numerical modelling of risks and benefits.

- Evaluating the capacity of low-cost micro Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for enhanced flood risk assessment, modelling and emergency response.

- Evaluating a 25-yr bio monitoring record of river dynamics in a lowland UK catchment: impacts of hydrology, climate change and pollution.

- Interacting UK Hazards – Impacts and Origin.

The studentships are open to UK/EU graduates with backgrounds in relevant disciplines and who are articulate, well qualified and highly motivated. The minimum entry qualification is a 2.1 Honours degree or equivalent. Due to funding restrictions applicants must be classed as home students for fee purposes. The studentship is for three years at the standard RCUK rate of £14,057 for the 2015-16 academic year. The candidate will be expected to register at the start of the Autumn term 2015.

The closing date for applications is 5th August 2015.

For further information, and to apply, please visit:


Dr David Graham FGS FHEA

Lecturer in Physical Geography

Department of Geography, Loughborough University

Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK

T: +44 (0)1509 222763 F: +44 (0)1509 223930 @DrDaveGraham
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