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Offre n° 13221  Retour à la liste ...  Offre n° 13167
HE space Operation (Aéronautique)
Réf : JA-DE-0308-9260

Technicians / Functionnal Testing

Offre d'emploi n° 13220 du 05/04/2008
Déposée par Stéphane BRETTE
Département Génie Electrique et Informatique Industrielle (Le réseau des diplômés GEII IUT DE VILLE D'AVRAY)
Diplômes concernésDUT GEII Ville D'avray / Licence Pro MHR/IUT Ville d'Avray / Licence Pro PI/IUT Ville d'Avray
Localisation - Breme (allemagne)
HE Space Operations is a steadily growing international space company. For over 20
years we have provided our customers with consultancy services in Engineering and
Business Administration. We open the door to working directly on-site with our principal
customers in the space sector who rank amongst the top 25 engineering employers in
Europe: EADS and the European Space Agency.
Do you want to be part of the space future?Activities

You will be working for a major European Space Company in the cleanroom for Ariane 5
upper stages integration. In your role as Technician for Functional Testing you will be
responsible for the following activities:
• Monitoring of quality standards during the integration of complex units and cable
looms according to working plans and drawings, lists and test commandments
• Monitoring implementation of functional testing of units using pc aided tester
• Monitoring of pneumatical tests (compression, leak and functional tests)
• Final testing of integrated upper stages/appliances before system check and
• Conduction of dimensional checks and endoscopy
• Notifying and documentation of interferences,
• Development of test certificates


You ideally have the following qualifications and experience:
• Apprenticeship in mechanical engineering
• Fluency in English is mandatory and the knowledge of French is advantageous
• Good computer literacy, the knowledge of SAP-R/3 would be beneficial
• Ready to work in shifts
Mlle Kahle Maraike

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Fichier attaché à l'offre
1 - emploi13220.pdf (56.55Ko)
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