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Offre n° 35945  Retour à la liste ...  Offre n° 35875
University of Glasgow (Bio-environnement / Biodiversité)
Réf : SICE/35911

PhD in biogeomorphology: geodiversity-biodiversity interactions on rocky and engineered coasts

Offre d'emploi n° 35911 du 28/05/2015
Déposée par Olivier Bourgeois
Département Sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers (Le réseau des diplômés de la formation Biologie/Géologie de l'Université de Nantes)
Diplômes concernésM1 SVT/BGE / M2 MEF / Prepa-Capes / M1 Géologie-Géophysique / Maîtrise STU / M1 Biologie-Ecologie / M2 Planétologie/Géodynamique / M2 Cartographie / Environnement / M2 Biologie Marine
ContratContrat à durée déterminée
LocalisationGrande-Bretagne - Glasgow
I would be most grateful if you can bring this interdisciplinary biogeomorphology PhD opportunity to the attention of well-qualified and enthusiastic students. A fully-funded PhD opportunity exists to work alongside Dr Larissa Naylor, Dr Jim Hansom and Prof Mike Burrows. The topic is on geodiversity-biodiversity interactions on rocky and engineered coasts. The PhD supported by SAMS, MASTS, SNH, University of Glasgow, the Field Studies Council and Mott MacDonald.

It is fully funded for UK/EU applicants and foreign students are eligible to apply but must meet the difference between home and overseas fees themselves. Students can get more details here and apply here by 17th June 2015.

Best wishes,
Dr. Larissa Naylor
Lecturer in Physical Sciences
School of Geographical and Earth Sciences,
University of Glasgow
East Quadrangle, University Avenue
Glasgow, G12 8QQ
Work days: mon, tues, thurs
Tel: +44 (0)141 3305403
Twitter: @biogeomorph
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