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Offre n° 6886  Retour à la liste ...  Offre n° 6881
European Gravitational Observatory (Recherche)
Réf : SICE/6882

Interferometer Operators

Offre d'emploi n° 6882 du 27/07/2006
Déposée par François AUGER [enseignant]
Département Mesures Physiques (Le réseau des diplômés Mesures Physiques Saint-Nazaire)
Diplômes concernésDUT / Licence CIM
Localisation - Pise (Italie)
Job vacancy at the European Gravitational Observatory
Interferometer Operators Ref. OP/OP/05
The European Gravitational Observatory is looking for 2 technicians to operate the Virgo
interferometer. Virgo is a scientific infrastructure built by INFN (Italy) and CNRS (France)
with the aim of detecting gravitational waves generated by astrophysical sources. The detector
is located near Pisa (Italy) and is currently going through its commissioning phase.
The selected candidate will be part of the team in charge of the continuous operation of the
Virgo interferometer. He/She should be able to ensure the continuity of scientific activity by
checking the correct functioning of each of the devices composing the interferometer via the
appropriate monitoring systems. He/She will be responsible for tuning the various parts of the
interferometer according to the on-going scientific activity and following established
procedures. Must be able to read and comprehend technical information, directives, manuals,
memos, reports, as well as, other work related materials. Must have the ability to prepare
analysis sheets, reports, inventories, logbooks, etc. He/She will be working on shifts in order
to keep the apparatus in operation 24 hours/day and 365 days/year. After his training for the
operation is completed, He/She will be also assigned responsibilities which involve
background work (either performed during a shift or during free time). These responsibilities
can be procedures development/update, web pages maintenance, operation trainer, etc.
The candidate should be familiar with the use of computers and should have a basic
knowledge on the functionality of control system hardware and software. A basic knowledge
of UNIX/LINUX operating system and of Windows platform is required. Some background
related to WEB tools is also required. A basic knowledge of C programming or electronics
will be considered positively.
Undergraduate level in information technology and/or electronics or an equivalent educational
level is required. The knowledge of the English language will be considered a required
Interested candidates are welcome to send their CVs using the EGO Application Form, to be
found at, to within July 31st 2006 quoting the reference number of this vacancy notice.

EGO - via E. Amaldi 56021 Santo Stefano a Macerata
Cascina, Pisa – Italy
Tel: 0039 050 752 511 Fax: 39 050 752 356
Tel: +(39) 050 752 325
Fax: +(39) 050 752 356
Mots clés associés à cette page : ecole, formation, enseignement, professionnel, professionnelle, stage, entreprise, diplome, emploi, avis, temoignage, interview, continue, alternance, apprentissage, licence, master, maitrise, iut, dut, lp, institut, universitaire, technologie, bts, prepa, bac, bac 2, technicien, mesures, physiques, techniques, instrumentales, materiaux, controle, physico-chimiques, mecanique, electronique, instrumentation, automatique, fluide,