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Infineon Technologie (Industrie)

Audio objective measurement of speech enhancement system in mobile phones

Offre de stage n° 16073 du 08/01/2009
Déposée par David BRUTIN [Maître de Conférence]
Département Mesures Physiques (Le réseau des diplômés Mesures Physiques Marseille)
LocalisationPROVENCE-ALPES-COTE D'AZUR / Alpes Maritimes
The acoustic quality of telecommunication terminals is tested through objective measurement defined at standardization body like 3GPP and ITU-T. For such tests, mobile phones are placed in defined acoustic environments and their performance regarding audio quality is assessed using artificial heads that emulates the human being. Several test sequences and acoustical environment permit to measure audio quality regarding like loudspeaker and microphone frequency response, quality of speech or noise reduction in terminals.
In this context, the trainee aims at studying the audio quality of terminals integrating speech enhancement system developed by Infineon Technologies. Experiments on current available speech enhancement systems, test of new developed algorithms, comparison of these solutions to solutions provided by other manufacturers will be conducted. Tuning of algorithm in order to enhance audio quality will also be part of the internship, in order to obtain optimal quality with available solutions. All these experiments will be synthesized by the trainee to propose a good understanding of the quality that can be performed by speech technologies, leading to requirements on enhancement needed in the algorithms developed at Infineon Technologies.

Required skills:

- Document analysis, understanding and interpreting technical document like standardization specifications.
- Interest for experimentation (handling with equipment like network simulator, audio tester, audio mixer, artificial head).
- Good capacity at synthesizing information.
- Understanding of speech enhancement like speech quality, loudspeaker equalization, echo cancellation, noise reduction is a plus.
- Programming: Matlab, C.
- Language: English

Length of the trainee: 5-6 months

Christophe Beaugeant
Phone: +33 (0)4 92 38 36 30
E-mail :
Mr Beaugeant Christophe

About the Company:

Sophia-Antipolis site is one of the main Infineon Technologies research and development centers worldwide. Located in the high-tech valley of Sophia-Antipolis, near Nice, a team of 140 experienced research and development engineers specializes in Mobile Solutions, Embedded SRAM, and Design-Flow Software. The trainee will take place within the Mobile Solution group which is responsible for specifying and designing baseband integrated circuits for cellular phones (GSM/GPRS/EDGE). The team specializes in algorithm development (among them audio), system specification and validation, circuit design and embedded software, and its work makes a significant contribution to the Infineon Technologies wireless chipset portfolio.
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